Yarn Bombing Los Angeles (YBLA), a group of guerilla knitters, have been invited to cover the facade of the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles with thousands of small granny squares. To realize this huge project, they asked for help on their website: Everybody is invited to make and send them 5" x 5" granny squares!
As I was amazed by this idea, I decided to participate. Unfortunately, crocheting had never been my favourite kind of craft and therefore I had completely forgotten how to do it. Luckily, the group provided a link to a youtube video tutorial on their website which helped me getting started. I have to admit, at the beginning I swore a lot, but thanks to a very good book about crocheting I still had sitting on my bookshelf, I actually started to enjoy it. I think I will include some crocheted stuff in my own future yarn bombing projects soon!
Also, this was an opportunity to use up very thin yarn I still had lying around which isn't very suited for knitting. In total, I managed to crochet four different granny squares. And since I soon got bored by using just one color for a square (which was asked by YBLA) I decided to "pimp up" one of them by using also some fluffy yellow yarn.
YBLA will accept granny squares sent to them until March 1 this year, so why don't you take the opportunity to participate in this great project as well? :-)
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