
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jakobsstern   [Göttingen, Germany]

My second yarn bombing for the beautiful city of Göttingen, Germany! Close to the church of St Jacob, downtown Göttingen, there is a sculpture of St Jacob with a pilgrim's staff for which I decided to knit something. I wanted to make something simple with modest colors, but also a nice pattern. My choice fell on a jacquard pattern of a star ("Stern" in German), in blue with a grey background.

I measured the circumference of the pilgrim's staff, because that was the spot I wanted my knitting to hang. After finnishing my knitting, it had the right width, but I felt the height was too big. My idea was not to cover half of the pilgrim's staff, but just to add a small detail. Therefore, I chose thinner yarn and began all over again. And indeed, my second try finally met my expectations. I'm sure I'll find another nice place where I can put the bigger one, too! ;-)
The bottom on the picture above shows both knittings: The one with the thicker wool on the left side and the second one which I chose to hang up on the right.
Also, I didn't put any label with my blogspot adress on this knitting because I didn't want to give the impression that I was advertising my own blog with this yarn bombing. Instead I want to show my appreciation to this nice place downtown and my respect for the sculpture as a beautiful piece of art.

It was already dark when I put it up, but I had the chance to come back the next day to make some more pictures in daylight. Unfortunately, the knitting is a little bit too wide so the top part is rolling up slightly. Maybe I can come back soon and tighten it up a little bit.

Since I put up my knittings and then have to leave them behind I seldom get to see the reaction of people when they find it. So always feel free to make comments here and give feedback about what you think! :-) Thanks!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hanseflausch   [Hamburg, Germany]

I've had fleecy ("flauschig" in German) yarn at home for already quite a while without using it, so I decided it's time to change that. I found a nice tiger pattern for two colors and thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to do some fleecy knitting. As the second color I chose a purple non-fluffy yarn. Unfortunately, the pattern was barely visible after I finished the knitting because of the long fluff, cutting the fluff shorter didn't help that much.

Since the colors also reminded me of water and waves I thought Hamburg, city of water and the Hanseatic League, would be a nice place for my knitting. I actually found the Speicherstadt which is an old warehouse district with both streets and water canals and beautiful old timber-pile founded buildings to be the perfect location for it. I put my knitting onto an old-fashioned street lamp, right next to a bridge over a canal and close to a street crossing. Unfortunately it was already late afternoon when I got there and the sun had already set which made it a bit hard for me to take good pictures.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Schneeflocken's first anniversary   [Göttingen, Germany]

It's been exactly one year now since I hung up "Schneeflocken" in Göttingen! Now, a year later, I paid it a visit to see how it's doing.

Time and weather have left their marks on it. The white snowflakes have turned grey and become stiff, and so has the rest of the once so soft yarn. It has become a part of the tree, small bugs were crawling under it and whatever other animals left white and brown spots (including bird droppings, of course).
Also, somebody added a red plastic cord on top of it. I saw the same thing attached to another tree where it was holding a sheet of paper. On "Schneeflocken's" tree it must have served the same purpose but the paper was obviously gone.

As a birthday present, I sewed a new label on it. The writing on the old label has faded and was barely readable anymore (see picture on the right), therefore I took it off and replaced it. Now the one-year-old "Schneeflocken" is not only equipped with a brand new blog adress label but also with my blog's QR-code.

And surprisingly, exactly on "Schneeflocken's" (German for snowflakes) first birthday this season's first snow came down today! :-)