
Thursday, April 5, 2012

KNIT ART FOUND in San Francisco

While exploring the city of San Francisco with my friend and looking for a nice place for dinner, we suddenly came across these big blue and red knit graffitis at a crossroad in Castro. We were pleasantly surprised, since we were talking about yarn bombing earlier that day and my friend hadn't seen any yet.
They were on the traffic lights on each side of a street, one with a darker shade of blue and the other one with a lighter one. The right hand picture on the left side is supposed to show both of them. Unfortunately you can hardly see the second one with the dark blue color on the traffic lights right across the street.

If you happen to know anything about the artist and creator of these knittings, don't hesitate to leave a comment or contact me ( I would be pleased to find out more about these tags!

Monday, April 2, 2012

stars & stripes   [Santa Cruz, CA]

It's been a while since my last knit attack. But this time I conquered a new continent: North America, to be more precise. I found this beautifully grown evergreen near the Santa Cruz farmers' market and decided to tag it with "stars & stripes".
I'm convinced it'll feel comfortable there! In my experience, Santa Cruz people as super friendly, open-minded and laid-back, they will take good care of my knitting for sure!

"Stars & stripes" before it went out into the the California Sun.